Checking in with Resolutions


This year is going to be a good great phenomenal year!  To help me really get my butt in gear and work on improvements that I want to see in my life, I created some accountability with this post on my New Year’s Resolutions for 2015.

So how has my first week of the new resolve been, you ask?


My goal of being more organized has been coming along swimmingly.

I’ve been finding it easier than I imagined to find 10 minutes every day to organize something in my home. Perhaps this is because there are so many places in my house that have been begging for organization, so finding something to organize is not a hard task. I often find that I will organize for longer than the 10 minutes I aim for, as once I’ve gotten that far into something, I’m generally on a roll and carry on with what I’m doing until either my toddler or the clock calls on me to switch tasks.

To see how I’ve been doing with my goal of purging and organizing my closet, see my post on The Great Purge of 2015. I’m not quite where I’d like to be, but progress has certainly been made.

In terms of actually getting rid of stuff we no longer need, there is not a lot to report besides one measly pair of jeans. Sad, I know. Apparently this is something I need to put at the forefront of my efforts.


As for nourishing my family

Both myself and my husband have been making a great effort to have a home-cooked meal on the table each night (although I must admit there was one oven-pizza night), and filling our little one’s belly with meals and snacks all day long hasn’t been a problem. As for posting a healthy meal or snack idea, that didn’t quite happen this week. I’ll get something up here soon.

We’ve made it outside with the little bean a few times already. Not the minimum 10-minutes a day I was aiming for, but I am happy with what we have accomplished. You can read about our outdoor adventures and what I’ve discovered here.

If you’re interested in reading this week’s post for a creative and fun learning activity for my toddler, you can find it here. As I’ve been called into work quite a bit this week, the little munchkin has been spending a lot of time at Gramma’s, which is in itself full of new and exciting discovery opportunities.


In regards to creating

I have found the song I’m working on this month on my ukulele (and guitar, too, actually) and practiced with it a few times. Trying to find a time I can actually play when the little one won’t be woken up or constantly cry because she’s not the one playing with the instrument is tricky, but I do what I can.

And writing a children’s story? Nothing happening on this front yet. Ideas and thoughts, of course, come into mind constantly, but nothing put down to paper and no real time spent planning. We’ll get there.

As for designing and sewing, again, nothing to report. Instead I’ve realized I have a bunch of little knitting projects that are almost finished, which is where most of my crafty time has been focussed. One little knitting project is complete, one has only minutes worth of knitting remaining until it’s finished, and I have one more little project I want to finish off before I move on to the sewing. I figured finishing the knitting projects first will be helpful in organizing and getting rid of stuff, since removing these half-finished projects from my crafting shelf and sending them off to the intended recipients will kill two birds with the one stone. Uck. I really don’t like the way that saying goes.


How have your New Year’s resolutions being working out? Are you pleased with your accomplishment, or recognizing that more of an effort needs to be made to meet your goals?


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