Time is a funny thing. I never really realize how fast my little one is growing until a break from routine reminds me of how far we’ve come.
Today good old hubby G came home from a week away, and even just in that time away, I found myself realizing all the new things little Z is trying now. While G was off taking a course, Z was busy learning and growing at home (as well as play groups, playgrounds, grocery stores, and everywhere else we went).
Over just one week our dear little daughter learned her version of the actions for “Wheels on the Bus”, picked up some more signs, has been trying her hand at a few more words besides “hi” and “cat”, and has had a ton of adventures. So much has changed about the little mannerisms and skills she’s picked up in the time since her Dad’s seen her last.
In one week.
It’s pretty incredible how fast our children grow. Having these “time checks” – these little breaks from routine – remind you just how fleeting these precious early years are. There is nothing more important to me right now than spending time getting to teach, care for and know this tiny human who will always be a part of me. Time spent enjoying and exploring together, as much as possible. Time spent focused on the experience, rather than accomplishment.
Time spent right now.
“Childhood is a journey, not a race.” – Unknown
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