The First Music Note: I Do Adore

ukulele cover

music note ukulele cover

Well, folks, the time has come.

In my New Year’s Resolutions I included the goal to continue to learn and practice playing my guitar and ukulele. To make sure I actually put forth some effort on that front, I made the commitment to learn at least one new song on either instrument each month, and to post a video of myself playing and singing the song.

I’m kind of kicking myself for saying that now, and have thought “no one will notice if I don’t put anything up”, but the whole point of these goals, and this blog, is to push myself to do more. To grow. To conquer.

So here you have it. The song I chose to work on this month is I Do Adore, by Mindy Glehill, performed on the ukulele. I used this tab I found on to learn this song. Thank you to my sister, Mighty Mouse, for turning me onto this adorably cute little song! Most of the chords are fairly easy to play, with the exception of the E-chord, which you can see in the clip gives me a little bit of trouble as it’s a bit of a stretch for my fingers.

Now remember, this is a new song for me, and my time is limited to practicing mostly when my little ukulele clinger is out disc golfing with her Daddy, so I haven’t had a whole lot of practice. Also, because time is of the essence, I didn’t bother trying to take a million takes of the song. The first time I made it through without stumbling too badly is what you’re seeing – no time for perfection!

If playing the ukulele or guitar is something you’d like to be able to do, check out my post on 5 Simple Steps to Learn to Play Guitar. Enjoy!

What’s your favourite song to play? Taking suggestions for February’s song! Want to see another guitar or ukulele cover by moi? Follow my YouTube channel!

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