Things That Make Me Laugh

Things That Make Me Laugh

Things That Make Me LaughWe all need a little chuckle to keep our stress level balanced out and get our good spirits sparking. Here are a few links that made me crack a smile – from smirk to snort – that might help brighten your day, too.

1. Preschool Gems

This website keeps you up to date on the hilarious statements and wonderings of little minds. You can also follow them on twitter @preschoolgems and on their Facebook page.


2. Don’t Jerk and Drive

A safe driving campaign that claims they had no idea that viewers would see a double meaning in the ads. Seriously? (Sorry, this one is a little bit risqué, but it made me laugh.)


3. Sleeping with a Baby

This video is one mom’s documented experience of what it’s like to sleep with your babe. Hilariously and depressingly accurate.


4. Key & Peele – Text Message Confusion

Texting. It can get far more complicated than a quick phone call if you can’t properly understand the tone behind the string of  words coming at you. These guys seem to have a few different sketches that may be equally as funny, but I haven’t seen any others yet.


5. Kid Snippets – Police Patrol

Kid Snippets are hilarious little sketches written by children and acted out by adults. I have laughed my guts out watching the many, many thoroughly amusing shorts. The Salesman is the first one I watched, and still one of the funniest I’ve found, so don’t miss that one, either. Actually, cancel your plans for today and just grab a bowl of m&m’s and your tummy muscles should get enough exercise laughing at these to counter any chocolate. It’s science.



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